Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What do I do when an old Korean woman yells at me?

Ignore her, naturally....

As it turns out, I was shopping at Home Plus (close to a super walmart- it has everything- shoes, silver, soju, all around store) when the event occured. As I am sauntering through the isles (yes sauntering- okay, I had seen a cute foreigner... I had to slow down my shop a little bit) and calculating how much beer I needed to buy, I see an older Korean woman coming towards me. Not thinking anything of it, I walk past. She starts yelling. So I keep walking. In my defense... I dont know any Korean, so what she is yelling at me doesnt have any meaning. This continues for about two isles. I am weaving in and out of other customers, occasionally glancing back, wondering what she wants.

Finally I stop. She continues to yell. But... with a smile. We try to have a conversation- unsucessfully I might add- before I see why she has been yelling at me. At the end of the isle, trying to hide behind a giant hulahoop is one of my students- Julie.

Me and Julie

Of course the whole situation made much more sense once I saw Julie. The best part about the situation was that she actually used some pretty great English sayings in our conversation ("We are shopping for dinner" and "No, no! She is not my mother!!! Miss Ashton! She is my grandmother.") Ha! I loved it! While it was formal, she still managed to roll her eyes at me!

Speaking of students, I have an exceptionally great team this week (more to come about "teams").  The girls are absolutely darling!

Sophie, Laura, Crystal, Me, Anna, Rachel, Amy, Jessica.

Not to say that the boys are not geat- they are!!! But... their attention strays just a bit more than the girls. As this picture was being taken, they slowly toppled into a doggie pile, laughing hysterically, while the girls stood obediently in a line and waited for them to finish (I couldnt help it- I just laughed, it was too cute!)

The dogpile begins....
 Okay.... so I couldn't let them doggiepile forever. We had to get to work. This weeks theme is "New Inventions" of which my brilliant students came up with:

- Orange Ball (a ball you can eat and play with- YUM!)
- Butterfly Nintendo (Nintendo DS that FLIES!- Who doesnt need one of those!)
- 3D books (hey- they are the wave of the future!)

And..... me teaching my regular classroom. Where the students are making (writing, colouring, cutting) a poem about themselves. Maybe I will post my poem later. It is great fun!!!!

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