Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weekend in Ansan

My first night out was also New Years Eve. My Adoptive friends as I like to call them, Sangdo and Haeho took me out for a night on the town. I ate my first Korean bbq. Pork, almost like slices of thick bacon, placed in lettuce with toppings (kimchi, onions and sprouts, garlic..)all wrapped up and popped right in your mouth. Delicious! While I haven’t really gotten used to kimchi yet, I enjoyed it warm and in this lettuce-pork wrap.

We went out for beers afterwards, and all I could think about was bowling pin beer, and what a great idea beer coolers in the table are! New Years has always been such a production in Canada. Not here. Literally ten seconds till New Years, the countdown came on.. 3, 2, 1. We said “Happy New Year”, had a cheers, and got on with our conversation. Of course I thought about my girlfriends back home who I normally spend New Years with, wishing somehow they could have been there! But just as I was missing my girls,and calling my parents, Haeho bought some soju!

What they taught me is that when people drink, they eat, so I had my second meal of the night.

They weirdest thing about this meal? It was cold. Not just cold, but served with shaved ice on top. I cant say that it was bad, but when it is -11 outside it wouldn’t have been my first choice.
 The greatest part about my new years eve? Aside from the beer, good meal, and great company… the cab ride was less than 4,000 won!!!! Less than 4 dowla!!! I even got change. No tipping is the weirdest feeling, like I am doing something wrong. I ran away thinking the cabbie might chase me down, but nope… that’s just how it is here.

The rest of the weekend went fairly smoothly. I finished organizing my apartment, and because it was trevors before me I got all sorts of special presents. Mozza sticks in the freezer (which I am saving for drunk food), 2 bottles of wine, and brand new sheets. I also got notes in random places, like the top of my “Do not open for 6 months- Good Ol’ Canadian Food” box, or the back of my shower mat.

I went for a walk before it got dark, to get myself aquanted with the apartment location. Walk one block, turn left, turn left again, turn left again. Then make it two. I ended up walking for an hour, and I feel pretty good about the block where I am living. However…. The most important discovery I found? Ladies and gentlemen… this is my new gym.

Yes… this is the public workout area. So next time you are at the gym, sweating up a storm, listening your mp3 player, wondering how much that person is lifting, or thinking… hmmm I should try those types of sit ups next time……think of me. On my communal elliptical.