Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Impressions....

Friends. I have decided to start a blog. Actually I decided long before I left that I wanted some form of documentation of my trip. Mostly so I can go back and look at some of the things I was thinking and doing on this adventure. So a blog it is! I know… you might say that a certain sibling of mine started a blog that didn’t make it past the first post…. No guarantees I won’t follow down the same path!

After my first 24 hours in Korea these were my first impressions:
-          It is COLD!
-          I have never seen so much neon in my life…
-          My apartment is small. Really small. Like… really small…
-          The floor might actually be softer than my bed.
-          I love heated floors.
-          My brother spoils me.
-          Kimchi is an acquired taste…

To be completely honest, I don’t know exactly how I feel yet! The fact that I was leaving Victoria and am in Korea, still hasn’t really set in. I am not sure if this is because I was so hectic before I left, that I didn’t really have a chance to absorb the idea, or I was so excited to be doing something I really wanted that I didn’t get nervous. The flight was blah- like you would expect a 12 hour flight to be. But getting into Ansan was great! Sang-do met me at the airport and we bussed to the terminal. I was treated to a delicious dinner… melted cheese with spicy chicken. Apparently this isn’t regular Korean fair, but I can see it becoming a staple dinner for me. The first few days at the school was a bit of a blur. Everyone already seemed to know me already which was great, and most of the teachers were really nice. Teaching starts next week… and the blog will continue… enjoy!

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