Sunday, April 24, 2011

And finally.... Giant bowties!!!!

This weekend was all together mighty fantastic!

It was my friend Haeho's birthday this week. Him and Sangdo said we were going to celebrate with his friends in Seoul. There was a  bit of confusion as to where we were actually staying. Little did I know we were going camping. After I worked our Saturday program, we headed off to Seoul, an hour and  half ways away.

Jess, Me, Krystal, Will

Please note, our highly inappropriate wear for camping!

When we got there, I realized that we were staying in a giant tent, like the ones that you see at festivals, with wooden floor boards for sleeping. I was not prepared for this, wishing I wore ugg boots, and my winter jacket, but thankfully Haeho gave me his jacket.

Sangdo, expert griller, and pork master.

Sangdo manned the BBQ, and it was definitely the first time I have had rice and kimchi while camping!

For Haeho's birthday I gave him a bottle of Jack Daniels and a giant red bow tie. We have been talking about having a Giant bow tie party for a long time, and this was the perfect opportunity.

The funny thing is, that being in Korea, it is totally acceptable and normal to wear giant bow ties. Really. The Koreans didn't see anything out of the blue about the situation, while us foreigners thought they were just tooo funny!

My newest hair accessory!

I am really lucky to have Haeho and Sangdo as my friends. They are great guys and have introduced my friends and I to some really awesome people!

We didn't all get airborne, but we came close!

We lit sparklers, drank jello shots, ate food, and ate more food and tried to take some action shot pictures.

Sparklers are always a good time!
There was a few dance offs (KPop moves are hard to beat), piggy back rides, and even one long distance race around the campground.

The next morning. And yes, I have aquired a giant hat.

While I look angelic in this picture, it was quite the rough morning! We packed up, looked for 4 leaf clovers, and went out separate, hungover ways! 

There was one point during the night, where the moon was low, and the most beautiful orange, and the insanely bright lights of Seoul lit up the Han river, right beside our campground, and I realized something. This is exactly where I need to be right now. Sometimes I get so caught up in the stresses of life, worrying about what I don't have that I forget what an amazing adventure I am on. I am so lucky to be living where I am, meeting some truly great people, and just living life, creating memories and relationships that will always be a part of who I am. But enough of my life changing moments! Off to enrich the minds of young Korean children!!!

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