Monday, February 14, 2011

Even though this blog is about Korea.....

I will tell you about my trip to Hawaii. Yes, that is right. I went to Hawaii. How does Korea = Hawaii you ask?? Because of the Lunar holiday our shcool was closed for a week. Whats a girl to do? Because I just got to Korea, I wasn't dying for a week of doing nothing. Originally I wanted to go to China. See a bit of the other Asian countries. I asked my grandmother if she would like to accompany me on a trip, and long story short, she suggested Hawaii. I couldn't possibly say no!

I have been there once before, but it was when I was two. Needless to say I do not remember it, so I have classified this as my first trip to Hawaii!   And it was fantastic!!! I loved every minute of it!

Pacific Beach Hotel veiw from the 35th floor

We stayed at Waikiki, Honolulu right across from the beach. We were on the 35th floor, and this was the veiw. It was spectacular! It was great to wake up in the morning and see the miniscule surfers in the water already!

Sunset! Thats me, in the surf

Each night me and my Grandma tried to catch the sunset. Some nights were particularly more amazing than others, but this one night I decided to go play in the surf. The water was warm enough that you could have gone in, but watching the sunset was just fine for me. Its funny how many people you can meet just sitting on a bench. We must have met over a dozen people from Canada in the small periods while the sun was setting.

One day we went to the Polynesian Culture center. It was amazing because on the way there they showed us all of the "touristy" places, like where they filmed "50 First Dates" "The Karate Kid" and scenes from "Pearl Harbour". The actual center was all about the different countries that make up Polynesia and some of their traditions and customs. There was a lot of dancing, and yelling.

My Grandmother and I at the Luau
Me and my Grandma got to enjoy a traditional Luau, complete with roasted pig. While this was good, I had a heaping plate of marinated raw fish. Now that is my kinda food! I went back for seconds on the fish, it was soooo good!!!

One day we took a trip around the island (yay for being 25 and finally being able to rent a car in the states)! It was great, we stopped when we wanted, took pictures when we wanted, and ate lunch at the most quaint cafe beside the sea.

On our road trip around the island

It was great to see the North Shore. There was some serious surfing going on! I couldn't believe that people are able to ride such giant waves. I wonder if everyone who passes by there dreams of working a restraunt or hotel and surfing the rest of their time? Its probably not as glamorous as I imgine it to be, but there is something about the air that makes it seem like it is paradise on earth.

The rest of the time I laid on the beach. Literally. Laid on the beach. Floated in the water. Laid on the beach some more. It was completely refreshing to be on a holiday where I didn't have to worry about softball or school work, just my sun tan.

What I did most days, read trashy magazines and soaked up the sun

While I fell in love with Hawaii, the greatest part of the trip was spending time with my darling Grandmother. It was great for the two of us to finally have some alone time together. We talked about the most random of subjects; she told me about books she has read, the characters she loved and places she has been. I heard stories about my grandfather I had never heard before, and her life back in Terrace. It turned out to me much more than a holiday for me.

Sadly I am back in the freezing weather, with just the slightest tint on my freckly skin to suggest that just maybe I had been somewhere warm. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a Mai Tai and a darker tan!

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